Corporate Inclusivity Makes It All Better - oil pastel on acid-free paper, 12” x 18”.

Corporate Inclusivity Makes It All Better - oil pastel on acid-free paper, 12” x 18”.


These word drawings in oil pastel on on paper are made to order with the same color scheme pictured, but each drawing will be custom drawn for the purchaser and therefore contain variations in lines, strokes, layout, and color blending. They will be signed, dated, and addressed uniquely.

About the ALI Word Drawings:

This series of oil pastel drawings on paper are artifacts of ALI Director Andrew Freiband’s research into the nature of artistic knowledge. The same ‘hot take’ impulse that compels millions of Twitter users to spout often ill-considered ideas into the public realm is, hopefully, channeled and controlled to some extent by the time it takes to compose a phrase and color it in four times at 18” x 24” scale. Is it still a good idea worth sharing? The time and consideration of creating the drawings at least proposes that they be considered and reflected upon, and that they point in more directions than the most obvious one. Each concept or phrase has emerged from a long, slow process of artistic-research study, and functions as a ‘visual paragraph’ to a larger, slower body of work on artists’ ‘literacies,’ or artists’ ways of knowing and being.

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