We're fundraising to bring The Democratic Field across the USA

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Last week, we held The Democratic Field 5 here in New York, and launched our Kickstarter campaign to bring the project across the US. After the success of our project in Iowa, we’re excited to share this model with communities all over the country.

This means we have to be ready to adapt the project as the campaign evolves - and TDF 5 was a first step toward that: we culled the field from 10 to 7 and gave the candidates 3 issue statements instead of 2.

Even as I write, though, candidates are dropping out left and right! Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Steyer in the last 3 days. Good thing we’ve anticipated this all along - and the focus of our project is now about designing a meaningful intervention in the remaining primary campaign, even if it’s just 3 candidates at a time, all the way into the general election. Once July is here and the nominee is finalized, we’ve ALREADY GOT COMMITMENTS from partner organizations in purple states from Ohio to Florida who want to host whatever this project is in the midst of the general election.

Want to be a part of this project, and get some fabulous Democratic Field swag in the meantime? DONATE HERE: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/artistsliteracies/the-democratic-field